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The 1st NHR Conference, that will bring together users of High
Performance Computing (HPC) on September 18./19. 2023 in Berlin, has a
track on Agent-based Simulation. There will be talks in this […]
Seminar on Computational Neuroscience of Complex Systems
All spike models were implemented in Netlogo except for the models in Repast4py
Topics : Networks Neuroscience, Dynamics Neuroscience, Agent Based Neuroscience, and Morphodynamics Neuroscience.
Organiza: Enver Oruro PhD, (Dir)Neurocomputing, Social Simulation and Complex Systems Laboratory, Instituto Científico, Universidad Andina del Cusco
It comes under the auspices of the Complex Systems Society. This edition, organized by SENAI CIMATEC, takes place after previous events hold in, Mallorca, Lyon, Singapore, Thessaloniki and Cancun.
The 12th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications aims at bringing together researchers from different scientific communities working on areas related to complex networ[…]
The Official European Social Simulation Association Summer School in Social Simulation 2023, an introductory course in agent-based modelling, is taking place the week of 28 August to 1 September in Aberdeen, Scotland.
CMSB 2023: 21st Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology
Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
September 13-15, 2023
Conference website: https://cmsb2[…]
Interested in learning about the climate system and acquiring computational skills to access, analyze, and visualize climate data? Join Climatematch Academy as a student for our two week virtual program, where you will learn from world-class climate experts and collaborate on team projects with fellow students. Prior experience with climate science is not necessary, however familiarity with a coding language is required.
· MISS-ABMS is multi-cultural in terms of background and nationalities of the trainers and participants
· MISS-ABMS promotes a collaborative practice of modelling and simulation
· MISS-ABMS is multi-platform: Cormas, Gama and NetLogo
· MISS-ABMS presents the different stages of an ABM process, with a focus on model design and implementation
· MISS-ABMS offers a significant time for group work to design and implement an ABM
SBP-BRiMS is a multidisciplinary conference with a selective single paper track and poster session. The conference also invites a small number of high quality tutorials and nationally recognized […]
The conference is one of the key activities of the European Social Simulation Association (ESSA) to promote social simulation and computational social science in Europe and elsewhere.
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