Computational Model Library

Displaying 10 of 38 results for "Justin Rietz" clear search


Jon Pearce Justin Rietz | Published Wednesday, January 08, 2025

BarterNet is a platform for modeling early barter networks with the aim of learning how supply and demand for a good determine if traders will learn to use that good as a form of money. Traders use a good as money when they offer to trade for it even if they can’t consume it, but believe that they can subsequently trade it for a good they can consume in the near future.

Peer reviewed JuSt-Social COVID-19

Jennifer Badham | Published Thursday, June 18, 2020 | Last modified Monday, March 29, 2021

NetLogo model that allows scenarios concerning general social distancing, shielding of high-risk individuals, and informing contacts when symptomatic. Documentation includes a user manual with some simple scenarios, and technical information including descriptions of key procedures and parameter values.

An agent based simple economy model that examines the effect of taxation and almsgiving (particularly Islamic almsgiving - zakat) for ameliorating wealth inequality.

The Geography of Conflict Diamonds: The Case of Sierra Leone

Bianica Pires Andrew Crooks | Published Thursday, March 24, 2016 | Last modified Thursday, March 24, 2016

Using Sierra Leone as a test case, the purpose of the model is to explore the role of geography in a resource-driven war. An ABM is integrated with geographic information systems (GIS) for this purpose.

Exploring Transitions towards Sustainable Construction

César García-Díaz Jesus Rosales-Carreon | Published Wednesday, October 30, 2013 | Last modified Saturday, January 31, 2015

This model illustrates actor interaction in the construction sector, according to information gathered in NL. It offers a simple frame to represent diverse interests, interdependencies and effects on the number of built sustainable houses.

Youth and their Artificial Social Environmental Risk and Promotive Scores (Ya-TASERPS)

JoAnn Lee | Published Wednesday, July 07, 2021 | Last modified Friday, February 24, 2023

Risk assessments are designed to measure cumulative risk and promotive factors for delinquency and recidivism, and are used by criminal and juvenile justice systems to inform sanctions and interventions. Yet, these risk assessments tend to focus on individual risk and often fail to capture each individual’s environmental risk. This agent-based model (ABM) explores the interaction of individual and environmental risk on the youth. The ABM is based on an interactional theory of delinquency and moves beyond more traditional statistical approaches used to study delinquency that tend to rely on point-in-time measures, and to focus on exploring the dynamics and processes that evolve from interactions between agents (i.e., youths) and their environments. Our ABM simulates a youth’s day, where they spend time in schools, their neighborhoods, and families. The youth has proclivities for engaging in prosocial or antisocial behaviors, and their environments have likelihoods of presenting prosocial or antisocial opportunities.

We introduce a model of prediction markets that uses opinion dynamics as its underlying mechanism for price formation. We base the opinion dynamics on the Deffuant model of bounded rationality. We have used this model to show that price formation in prediction markets can be robustly explained by opinion dynamics, and that the model can also explain phase transitions depending on just two parameters.

Spatial model of the noisy Prisoner's Dilemma with reward shift

Matus Halas | Published Thursday, March 05, 2015 | Last modified Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Interactions of players embedded in a closed square lattice are determined by distance and overall gains and they lead to shifts of reward payoff between temptation and punishment. A new winner balancing against threats is ultimately discovered.

This agent-based model represents a stylized inter-organizational innovation network where firms collaborate with each other in order to generate novel organizational knowledge.

The purpose of the OMOLAND-CA is to investigate the adaptive capacity of rural households in the South Omo zone of Ethiopia with respect to variation in climate, socioeconomic factors, and land-use at the local level.

Displaying 10 of 38 results for "Justin Rietz" clear search

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