Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search
Postdoc position at the “Lendület” Research Center for Educational and Network Studies (RECENS) - Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA TK) RECENS is a research center led by Károly Takács, promoting high quality research in social network analysis. RECENS is part of Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences and is located in Budapest, Hungary in the beautiful Buda castle. We are seeking a candidate who will participate in our research project […]
The University of Bornemouth, UK, has an exciting PhD position open on Agent Based Modelling in the context of transitions towards sustainability. Information can be found at: http://www.findaphd.com/search/ProjectDetails.aspx?PJID=38381&LID=156
The Resilience and Adaptive Management Group (http://ram.uaa.alaska.edu/) at the University of Alaska Anchorage invites applications for a Postdoctoral Scientist in the area of computational social science and social-ecological systems. The position is for two years, with the likelihood of an additional year renewal. The successful candidate will work in one or more of the following areas: text analysis and text mining, social data collection, social and spatial analysis, and/or the […]
PhD Position at the Centre for Policy Modelling on: Data-mining, Visualisation and Agent-Based Modelling Stipend: £13,290 per annum + applicable fees for 3 years Centre for Policy Modelling Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Applications are invited to apply for this fully-funded doctoral position at the Centre for Policy Modelling, to investigate some of the potential synergies between data-mining, visualisation techniques and agent-based modelling. This studentship is […]
Posts in Economics/Geography & Geography/Sociology University of Maryland, College Park. The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences is seeking (3) computational social scientists to expand Maryland’s strengths in the computational aspects of global environmental change through interdisciplinary joint appointments. Rank will start at associate professor and tenure will be in the department closest to the applicant’s background. Applicants should have disciplinary backgrounds in the […]
The Department of Sociology at the University of Surrey, UK, invites applications for three PhD studentships associated with the interdisciplinary research project ERIE (Evolution and Resilience of Industrial Ecosystems), a joint venture with the Departments of Mathematics and Computing and the Centre for Environmental Strategy . The doctoral students will be part of the ERIE team that is using two case studies to explore a crucial aspect of the UK economy: the […]
Impact of pesticides on phytoplankton communities: agent-based modeling approach Contact persons (send detailed resume and cover letter): - Orlane ANNEVILLE, UMR CARRTEL, INRA , 75 Av. de Corzent, 742032, Thonon, FRANCE Tél (33) 4 50 26 78 04. E-mail : orlane.anneville@thonon.inra.fr - Agnès Bouchez, UMR CARRTEL, INRA , 75 Av. de Corzent, 742032, Thonon, FRANCE Tél (33) 4 50 26 78 60. E-mail : agnes.bouchez@thonon.inra.fr This work is part of a larger project which aims to assess the […]
The projects will be conducted in the Centre for Spatial Analysis and Policy (CSAP) which is a leading research cluster for spatial analysis and agent-based modelling. The research council deadline for applications is in early February, so if you are interested please get in contact soon so that we have time to help with the application. For more information, please contact myself (n.malleson06@leeds.ac.uk), Andrew Evans (A.J.Evans@leeds.ac.uk) or Alison Heppenstall […]
Post-doctoral researcher in Formalization and Simulation of Social Dynamics Place: GSADI - Analytical Sociology and Institutional Design Group, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), http://gsadi.uab.cat. Barcelona, SPAIN Requirements: Candidates should hold a PhD and have prior training in Sociology or business/social sciences profile, combined with formal and computational skills. Candidates must be willing to relocate to Barcelona area for three years (2012-2014). Familiarity with […]
PhD Studentship at the Centre for Policy Modelling as part of the EPSRC-funded SCID project (re-advertised due to an appointed candidate dropping out for personal reasons) Stipend: £13,290 per annum + applicable fees From time of appointment up to August 2015 maximum Centre for Policy Modelling Manchester Metropolitan University Business School Applications are invited students to work on modelling projects associated with the EPSRC project: the Social Complexity of Immigration and […]
Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search