Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search
For a detailed description of the PhD-position: http://www.vu.nl/nl/werken-bij-de-vu/vacatures/2014/296.asp Contents of the research Economic losses due to weather related natural hazards continue to rise rapidly in all regions of the world. For example, extreme flood events and storm surges all have a significant impact on society, and these impacts will increase in the future through climate change and socio economic developments. Much research to date has focused on the assessment and […]
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and the New Jersey Agricultural Research Station, through the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources, invites applications for a 18 month-2-year post-doctoral appointment as part of the Center for Resilient Landscapes collaboration with the USDA Forest Service (USDA-FS), beginning as soon as February 2015. The appointee will work on developing an applied socio-ecological simulation model of governance and ecological processes to […]
I am seeking one to two Ph.D. students interested in modeling socioecological systems to take part in an NSF-funded interdisciplinary project on participatory-ensemble modeling to study the multiscale social and behavioral dynamics of food security. The project summary can be found here: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1416730. The Ph.D. students will be responsible for the development of agent-based models to simulate the spatial and temporal variability of food access in […]
CLIMATE CHANGE AND REGIME SHIFTS IN FLOOD-PRONE URBAN AREAS: AN AGENT-BASED APPROACH Background: Coupled socio-ecological systems (SES) are known to experience regime shifts. By this we mean fast and usually irreversible changes in systems, like the ones that we observe when ecosystems collapse due to overexploitation, or when economy cannot recover after natural disasters (floods, droughts, etc.), or when societies undergo dramatic changes as in resource-driven conflicts. The topic is of […]
Detailed ad: http://abm-lab.yorku.ca/files/PDF2014.pdf As part of the strategic direction for expansion of the research areas at the Agent-Based Modelling Laboratory (ABM-Lab) at York University, applications are invited for two postdoctoral positions in Disease Modelling for Understanding Health Benefits and Cost Effectiveness. Successful candidates will be expected to play a major role in trans-disciplinary projects applying modelling tools and simulation techniques, data analysis […]
Postdoctoral Position: Cross-scalar adaptation to socio-hydrological risks in the Mexico City Basin The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University Job Description The Julie Ann Wrigley Global Institute of Sustainability at Arizona State University is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to take a leadership role in the development of an agent-based model for an innovative NSF-funded project on urbanization, climate change adaptation and social-hydrological […]
Detailed ad: http://abm-lab.yorku.ca/files/postdoc.pdf Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in Computational Modelling of Vaccination at the Agent-Based Modelling Laboratory (ABM-Lab). The successful candidate will be expected to play a major role in trans-disciplinary projects involving university-industry partnership. The research will apply computational techniques and simulations, data analysis and visualization, and health economics to develop novel agent-based models […]
PhD-candidate MODELLING COMBINATIONS OF STRATEGIES FOR HIV PREVENTION at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands Job number: AT I&V-EPI-273/OIO-04 The project In the Netherlands, the majority of new HIV diagnoses occurs among men who have sex with men (MSM). Despite the availability of successful treatment for HIV infection and the employment of numerous interventions, the risk of HIV transmission remains high among MSM. Recent efforts […]
At the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research UFZ in Leipzig, Germany (Department of Ecological Modelling) the Junior Research Group “”POLISES - Global food security policies and their social-ecological side effects in regions prone to global change” () funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is established. In this group the following vacancy is offered at the nearest possible date: ## PhD Position (m/f) ## Subject: Social-ecological impacts of financial risk- […]
Modelling Household Energy Demand Salary: up to £37,394 The WholeSEM project is a four-year, £5.7 million collaboration between the Universities of Surrey and Cambridge, UCL and Imperial College funded by EPSRC to develop, integrate and apply models of future energy supply and demand in collaboration with stakeholders in academia, government and industry in the UK and internationally. For further information about the consortium please visit . The work at Surrey focuses on understanding […]
Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search