Displaying 10 of 75 results for "Yue Dou" clear search
Can you bring tobacco on a plane :-There are many rules and limits that apply to flying, so it’s important to be knowledgeable in order to have a hassle-free trip. This article will provide you with crucial details to assist you through the laws and regulations pertaining to this subject if you’re wondering if you may bring tobacco on an aircraft. It’s crucial to remember that cigarette policies might differ based on the nation, airline, and even the particular airport you’re flying into or out of. As a result, it is wise to become familiar with the regulations of your departure and destination destinations.
Science is most interesting when it subverts expectations. As a medic in the army, I used to think of the world in terms of strict hierarchies; some central governing agency gives orders, which trickle down the chain of command. However, it turns out that most biological systems do not work this way, instead distributing control among the members of the group (be they genes, cells, animals). I have since dedicated my research career to understanding how this works. Currently, I am a postdoctoral fellow at Arizona State University in the School of Complex Adaptive Systems, which is the same university where I received my PhD.
I am broadly interested in using both experimental and theoretical tools to uncover the cognitive mechanisms that underlie self-organization in complex adaptive systems. I am also interested in the optimal design of experiments for the biological sciences.
In my research I focus on understanding human behaviour in group(s) as a part of a complex (social) system. My research can be characterised by the overall question: ‘How does group or collective behaviour arise or change given its social and physical context?‘ More specifically, I have engaged with: ‘How is (individual) human behaviour affected by being in a crowd?’, ‘Why do some groups (cooperatively) use their resources sustainably, whereas others do not?‘, ‘What is the role of (often implicit simplistic) assumptions regarding human behaviour for science and/or management?’
To address these questions, I use computational simulations to integrate and reflect synthesised knowledge from literature, empirics and experts. Models, simulation and data analysis are my tools for gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanisms underlying such systems. More specifically, I work with agent-based modelling (ABM), simulation experiments and data analysis of large datasets. Apart from crowd modelling and social-ecological modelling, I also develop methodological tools to analyse social simulation data and combining ABM with other methods, such as behavioural experiments.
Displaying 10 of 75 results for "Yue Dou" clear search