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Charlotte is an International PhD graduate originally from New Zealand who first came to ASU to pursue her PhD in Anthropology in Aug 2013, thanks to receiving a Science and Innovation Scholarship through the Fulbright Program. She holds a BS majoring in Genetics and a BA majoring in Anthropology from Otago University, New Zealand. She received her Masters in Anthropology in May 2015 and her PhD in Anthropology in 2022 both from ASU. Her main areas of interest are Human Migration, Migration Decision Making, and Environmental Perceptions.
At present she is an Assistant Research Scientist with the School of Complex Adaptive Systems at ASU where she is primarily focused on her roles as the administrative coordinator for CoMSES.NET and The Open Modeling Foundation. She is also adjunct Anthropology faculty at Phoenix College, and Chandler-Gilbert Community College teaching various undergraduate anthropology courses. She is deeply interested in how computational tools and technologies can be used to explore complex adaptive systems, explore possible futures, and better inform policy and decision makers at the leading edge of change.
As of my incorporation into the Department of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems of the UAB as a postgraduate student, it is possible to divide my scientific-technical career into the following stages:
Simulation of Parallel Applications (1992-99): Focused on the design and development of simulators of parallel applications. This research main objective was the definition of abstractions for parallel programs, based on characterizing tasks and their dependences. Two main abstractions were developed, at first a simpler one, which was easier to parametrize, and, next, a more complex an accurate one. Using these characterizations, several simulation tools were programmed and used in the context of national and European projects. As part of my Master’s thesis, I was involved in the design and development of some of these simulation applications.
National projects: 4, European: 2
International conferences: 3, National: 1, Journal papers: 3
Security in Distributed Systems (2007-12): Focused on the design and development of the FPVA (First Principles Vulnerability Assessment) methodology for the evaluation of vulnerabilities in Grid applications. This methodology clearly defined a set of steps for the assessment of Grid applications vulnerabilities, most of these steps could be automatized or at least supported by specific tools. Jointly with other professors of our group and from the University of Wisconsin, I was involved in the original definition and application of this methodology.
International projects: 2
Master Thesis: 1, Ph.D. Thesis: 1
International conferences: 2, National: 1, Journal papers: 2
Parallel Application Modeling (1999-present): This is my main line of research, aimed at defining high-level performance models for parallel applications. Initially, models were defined for MPI applications with a master-worker and pipeline structure, but later this line has been expanded with the definition of models for memory-intensive OpenMP applications, composed (mix of several structures) applications, applications based on mathematical libraries, distributed data-intensive applications and, finally, applications based on the simulation of agents (ABS) with SPMD structure.
As a result of the work on modeling the performance of ABS parallel systems, we have opened a new line for the definition and implementation of a benchmark for assessing the performance of the parallel simulators generated by well-known platforms, such as FLAME, Repast-HPC or D-Mason. In addition, the knowledge we have gained on this topic has opened new ways of collaboration for optimizing real parallel ABS in the health sciences area (tumor growth and infection spread).
National projects: 12, European: 1
International conferences: 17, National: 4, Journal papers: 11
International Presentations: 4
Parallel Applications Tuning Tools (2010-present): Focused on the design and development of tools for automatic tuning and, in some cases, also dynamic tuning of parallel applications. These tools allow the integration of performance models in the form of external components provided by the analyst. For this reason, this research line is tightly coupled with the Parallel Application Modeling one. The two main tools developed totally or partially by our group are Monitoring Analysis and Tuning Environment-MATE (and its highly scalable evolution ELASTIC) and Periscope Tuning Framework-PTF.
National projects: 2, European: 1
International conferences: 11, Journal papers: 2
International Presentations: 5
Anna Sikora is an Associate Professor in the Computer Architecture and Operating System Department at Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).
She got the BS degree in computer science in 1999 from Technical University of Wroclaw (Poland). She got the MSc in computer science in 2001 and in 2004 the PhD in computer science, both from Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain).
Since 1999 her investigation is related to parallel and distributed computing. Her current main interests are focused on high performance parallel applications, performance models, automatic performance analysis and dynamic tuning. She has been involved in programming tools for automatic and dynamic performance tuning on cluster and Grid environments, as well as in exa-scale systems.
High performance parallel computing, parallel applications, performance models, automatic performance analysis, dynamic tuning. Performance tools for automatic and dynamic performance tuning on HPC systems. Agent-based modelling systems.
Dr. Andreu Moreno Vendrell got the BS degree in Telecommunications Engineering in 1995 and the PhD in Telecommunications Engineering in 2000, both from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain). Since 2005 his research is related to parallel and distributed computing. His main interests are focused on high performance parallel applications, automatic performance analysis and dynamic tuning, and agent based simulation systems. He has been involved in the definition of performance models for automatic and dynamic performance tuning and in the development of a new benchmark for agent based frameworks. He is lecturer at the Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià, associated college of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. He is IEEE member.
Agent-based systems
Displaying 10 of 110 results for "Martin Takáč" clear search