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Malte Vogl is a senior research fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology with a PhD in Physics. Until recently, he worked as a research fellow and PI at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, in projects ranging from Digital Humanities work on the ancient perception of time and space in the cluster of excellency TOPOI, building and evalutation of research data infrastructures in context of the DARIAH project, large scale analysis of archival data for the history of the MPG project GMPG to the most recent, BMBF-funded work on method development for modelling knowledge evolution as a multilayered temporal network in the ModelSEN project.
History of Science, Evolution of Knowledge, Collective decision making
A letter sending model with historically informed initial positions to reconstruct communication and archiving processes in the Republic of Letters, the 15th to 17th century form of scholarship.
The model is aimed at historians, willing to formalize historical assumptions about the letter sending process itself and allows in principle to set heterogeneous social roles, e.g. to evaluate the role of gender or social status in the formation of letter exchange networks. The model furthermore includes a pruning process to simulate the loss of letters to critically asses the role of biases e.g. in relation to gender, geographical regions, or power structures, in the creation of empirical letter archives.
Each agent has an initial random topic vector, expressed as a RGB value. The initial positions of the agents are based on a weighted random draw based on data from [2]. In each step, agents generate two neighbourhoods for sending letters and potential targets to move towards. The probability to send letters is a self-reinforcing process. After each sending the internal topic of the receiver is updated as a movement in abstract space by a random amount towards the letters topic.
Under development.