Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search
Associate or Full Professor Computation Social Science - Anthropology/Sociology University of Maryland, College Park University of Maryland, College Park.The College of Behavioral and Social Sciences is seeking (2) computational social scientists to expand Maryland’s strengths in the computational aspects of global environmental change through interdisciplinary joint appointments.Rank will start at associate professor and tenure will be in the department closest to the […]
Folks, My company is looking to hire an experienced agent based modeler (particularly Netlogo) for salmon modeling projects in California. Please check out the position annoucement at: http://www.fishsciences.net/about_us/jobs.php#auburnbiometrician Thanks. Please feel free to share with students or others who might be interested. -Brad
Task: Development of a dynamic energy flow model considering the resource system, dynamics in the buildings and infrastructure sector, and cooperation in linking the model with an agent based model on decision-making processes. Working place: Chair for Human-Environment Relations (HER), Dep. of Geography, University of Munich Employment duration: Nov 2012 – March 2014 Project Homepage: http://www.uni-graz.at/terim PostDoc in the Project TERIM – Transition Dynamics in Energy Regions: An […]
The SMAC Team of the IRIT lab (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse) invites applications for a one-year postdoctoral fellowship in the EmoTES project funded by the ANR. The aim of the EmoTES project is to study a specific class of emotions, so-called “strategic emotions”, namely those emotions such as guilt, remorse… which arise in the context of strategic interaction (that is, when an agent’s utility of a given choice also depends on other agents’ behaviors). The main goal […]
The PhD position is part of the project “Energieeffiziente Stadt Delitzsch” (http://uni-leipzig.de/~effstadt/cms/) and located at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig, Germany. The PhD candidate is expected to acquire and analyse data of spatial patterns of population dynamics and urban form in different European cities and develop conceptual agent-based models on residential mobility. These models help to explain observed patterns in different types of cities […]
The Center for Applied GIScience at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (http://gis.uncc.edu) is seeking a broadly trained post-doctoral research associate in Geographic Information Science with a focus on spatiotemporal simulation of complex adaptive spatial systems. Specific preferred requirements and expectations include 1) expertise in spatiotemporal simulation (e.g., agent-based models and cellular automata) and complexity theory; 2) expertise or experience in quantitative […]
A 1+1 years postdoctoral position is available at IFISC. The candidate is expected to work within the framework of the EC project EUNOIA with the aim of analyzing and modeling urban mobility patterns. The partners participating in EUNOIA include academic institutions: UCL, ETH and CEA as well as IFISC, the Barcelona city hall and companies as Nommon. Other industrial partners participating as external collaborators include BBVA and Telefonica. We are looking for a strongly motivated person […]
The LABSS, Laboratory on Agent Based Social Simulation, offers a 12-months (renewable in the context of a 3-years project) graduate fellowship position for a social simulator (computer scientist, physicist, or code-savy social scientist - see the full list in the detailed call), in the topic of “simulative and modelistic research on the relevance of social norms and of punishment in legal and illegal systems”, under the scientific responsibility of Dr. Rosaria Conte and Dr. Mario Paolucci. […]
Research Associate in a department of Theoretical Physics, working in close conjunction with agent-based modellers and social scientists. Reference :EPS-01367 Division :Theoretical Physics Salary : £29,249 to £35,938 Employment type :Fixed Term Duration:Two years (extendable for a further year) Hours per week :35 Location :Manchester Applications are invited for the post of Research Associate in the Complex Systems and Statistical Physics Group of the School of Physics and Astronomy. You […]
Profile The chair of Human-Environment Relations at the Department of Geography, University of Munich, has an inter- and transdisciplinary orientation and studies the question of transition towards sustainability. Key issues thereby are the processes in Human-Environment Systems which are at the interface of individual decision-making, social structure, governance, and environment. The research fields tackled include sustainable resource management (e.g., energy, water, phosphorous); […]
Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search