Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search
Please share the following widely (full advert at: https://www.hirewire.co.uk/HE/1061247/MS_JobDetails.aspx?JobID=75125 ) The Department of Geography, King’s College London, invites applications for the post of Professor of Geocomputation to further our investment in strengthening and deepening our research profile in this area, and in the student experience. We seek internationally-distinguished applicants with an outstanding track-record in research, publications, funding, leadership and […]
VIRTUAL LITHICS: DEVELOPING AN INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODEL (IBM) FOR THE SIMULATION OF STONE ASSEMBLAGES The aim of this research is to is to develop a new approach, based on simulation models to strengthen inferences from prehistoric stone tool assemblages. The work of the Research Assistant will be to develop and test the simulation models. The project will use a modelling approach to simulate the formation and survival of stone tools. The primary aim is to create model assemblages under […]
At the Helmholtz Centre of Environmental Research UFZ Leipzig, Germany, a new research project will be launched with funds from the German Research Foundation: SEEMI (Social-Ecological Effects of Microinsurance). It focuses on microinsurance, i.e. insurance products that are specifically targeted at low-income people in developing countries, and its potential adverse effects. Case studies include drought insurance in Kenya and Ethiopia and health insurance in Cambodia. The main research […]
The Center for Resilient Communities at the University of Idaho (Moscow, ID) invites applications for a post-doctoral scientist for interdisciplinary research related to social-ecological systems modeling and agent-based modeling of food-energy-water systems. The successful candidate will work as part of an interdisciplinary team of social and environmental scientists, engineers, and stakeholders to develop innovative solutions to integrated food, energy, and water systems interactions. […]
The CASCADE project, funded by the US National Institutes of Health, aims to develop calibrated and validated agent-based models of alcohol use behaviours in the populations of the UK and US. The project has a new vacancy for a Research Scientist available at the Public Health Institute in California. Further details of the vacancy, including how to apply, are available here: http://phi.org/work-with-us/employment/position-description/index.php?id=18126
Summary: The Carter Lab in the Human-Environment Systems Center at Boise State University invites applications for the position of Postdoctoral Research Assistant. The postdoc will synthesize human behaviors and land use, animal behaviors and ecology, and policy scenarios in the design and application of an agent-based model. The focus will be on the conceptual and methodological aspects of the model design and the application to the conservation of the globally-endangered tiger (Panthera […]
The Imperial Centre for Energy Policy and Technology (ICEPT) and the Centre for Process Systems Engineering (CPSE) at Imperial College London are looking for candidates for the position of Research Associate to join us in a project on the implementation of an agent-based model of bioenergy stakeholders (e.g. farmers, biorefinery operators, service providers) which will be used to study policies that can stimulate the development of a bioenergy value chain in the UK. Details of the job, […]
Position Description: The Department of Anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences at The Ohio State University invites applications for a tenure-track/tenured position at the assistant, associate or professor level, commencing autumn semester 2017. We are looking for a scholar whose research and teaching focus on how culture and institutions shape the resilience and sustainability of social-ecological systems. We are particularly interested in scholars who combine evolutionary […]
Two five-year positions supported by the National Science Foundation and The Ohio State University for an interdisciplinary research project that examines the environmental conditions that lead to human territorial behavior in pastoral ecosystems as well as how territoriality shapes the environment. Based in the Dhufar highlands of Southern Oman, the project will provide new insights into whether the dynamics of woodland-grassland-woodland cycling are coupled with pulses in human […]
The Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt is seeking to make an appointment for a PreDoc Scientist at the Department of Controlling and Strategic Management, Institute of Business Management, Faculty of Management and Economics (100% employment, limited for 4 years). The desired starting date is Nobember 2nd, 2016. The deadline for applications is September 14th, 2016. The position will involve computer modeling and Agent-based simulation in the area of management accounting with the […]
Displaying 10 of 378 results agent-based clear search