Displaying 10 of 355 results PhD clear search
3 year PhD position on ‘Interrelations between refugee and host communities in rural Zambia: A dynamic agent-based modeling application’ at Leibniz University Hannover, Germany: https://www.uni-h[…]
University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam has a 2-year position to offer in a new research project related to participatory modelling of future urban mobility systems in Potsdam/near Berlin, Germ[…]
Washington State University’s Agricultural, Natural, and Human Systems Modeling group seeks applications for a post-doctoral associate (or a qualified post-masters research associate) with broad interests in facilitating decision support at the intersection of climate, agriculture and
natural resources issues in the Pacific Northwest U.S.
At the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow, we are looking to develop the next generation of highly skilled researchers. Our Unit has a particular focus on devel[…]
Adaptive resilient economy: responding to shocks under boundedly-rational economic expectations
We focus on modeling economy as an adaptive complex system. Heterogeneous economic agents with bounded rationality and imperfect information make decisions and interact with each other giving rise to macroeconomic phenomena. Economies globally become more interconnected and prone to shocks (incl. climate-induced natural hazards). How do networked economies recover and evolve in face of adversities?
Search: We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher, with a strong social science background and previous experience in agent-based modeling, to join our interdisciplinary team that aims to be[…]
A postdoctoral research associate is sought in the School for Environment and Sustainability (SEAS) at the University of Michigan. The successful candidate will assist with 1) developing and implementing agent-based simulations of interactions between humans and wildlife; 2) analyzing and visualizing simulation outputs to share with decision makers; and 3) writing scientific, peer-reviewed publications.
Opportunity for a postdoctoral researcher to join an interdisciplinary team at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that is focused on a federally funded project to develop an agent-based model to simulate school meal environments in an effort to identify appropriate strategies to reduce food waste and improve fruit and vegetable consumption in the National School Lunch Program.
30-month post-doc position in Land Use and Land Cover change modeling at the university of Namur, Belgium
Displaying 10 of 355 results PhD clear search