EURACE Workshop and Winter School
Agent-based Modelling and Technologies for Economic Policy Design School of Engineering, University of Genoa Genoa – Italy , 18-21 November 2009
The School lectures are focused on the design of a fully-fledged agent-based computational model and on its use for macroeconomic policy design and analysis. A successful macroeconomic policy design requires the coordinated application of economic policy measures, e.g. fiscal and monetary strategies, knowledge exchange, R&D incentives etc. Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) simulations can make sophisticated extrapolations of past economic data, but do not capture the disaggregated out-of-equilibrium behaviour of the economic agents (households, firms, banks and governments) and the interactions between the real and the financial sectors, that led to the current economic crisis. Agent-based modelling techniques, which represent each individual or company by means of an ‘agent’, can account for economic phenomena in a more realistic and complete way than DSGE simulations.
The School aims to disseminate the scientific knowledge and the technological tools that were developed in the EU granted EURACE project ( in order to develop a very large, policy-design oriented agent-based model of the European economy. The scientific focus is on modelling the emergence of global features as self-organized processes resulting from the interactions among many heterogeneous individuals. The technological focus consists of an introduction to the use of the powerful software framework developed in the EURACE project. This framework will enable the participants to set-up macro-economic agent-based models and to use them to perform economic simulations. Finally, the school will demonstrate how to use this powerful and innovative approach to investigate case studies related to European economy policy issues.
- To provide participants with new insights into Agent-based Computational Economics and to allow them to master the innovative EURACE software framework.
- To train the students to perform “what-if” analyses and computational experiments pertaining to important European policy issues.
- To put the students in contact with distinguished professors in the field and with other colleagues willing to share their achievements.
- To organize a European network of young researchers on Agent-based Computational Economics.
- Wednesday, November 18th (School)
08.00-08.45: Registration
08.45-09.00: Opening of the EURACE Winter School
09.00-10.30: Marco Raberto, “Agent-based economic modelling in EURACE”
10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-12.00: Shawn Chin, Mario Locci, “Agent-based technologies in EURACE”
12.00-13.00: Philipp Harting, “The Production Sector in EURACE”
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: Andrea Teglio, “Households in EURACE”
15.00-16.00: Simon Gemkow, “Labour and Goods Markets in EURACE”
16.00-16.30: Coffee Break
16.30-17.30: Saul Desiderio, Sabrina Ecca, Andrea Teglio, “Credit and Financial Markets in EURACE”
17.30-18.30: Sander van der Hoog, “The Public Sector in EURACE”
Thursday, November 19th (School)
08.30-10.30: Bulent Ozel, “Graphical User Interfaces in EURACE: how to use the software platform and to perform computational experiments”
10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-13.00: Simon Gemkow, Philipp Harting, Sander van der Hoog, Marco Raberto, “Policy issue and policy making in EURACE”
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: EURACE Winter School Policy Competition – Case of study
15.00-16.00: Performing computational experiments for EURACE Winter School policy competition – Assisted session
16.00-16.30: Coffee Break
16.30-18.30: Performing computational experiments for EURACE Winter School policy competition – Assisted session
Friday, November 20th (Workshop)
08.30-09.15: Registration
09.15-09.30: Opening of the EURACE Workshop
09.30-10.30: Keynote speaker: Alan Kirman
10.30-11.00: Coffee Break
11.00-12.00: Keynote speaker: Dirk Helbing
12.00-13.00: Keynote speaker: Silvano Cincotti, “The EURACE project: vision and results”
13.00-14.00: Lunch
14.00-15.00: Keynote speaker, Giovanni Dosi
15.00-16.00: Round Table on “Macroeconomic Policy Design”
16.00-16.30: Coffee Break
Saturday, November 21st (Winter School Competition)
09.00-11.30: EURACE Winter School Policy Competition: presentations of the policy computational experiments
11.30-12.00: Coffee Break
12.00-12.30: Awarding the winner of the EURACE Winter School Policy Competition
TARGET GROUP AND PREREQUISITES OF ADMISSION PhD candidates and Post Doctoral researchers. A good knowledge of English is required. The selection of the successful candidates will be made on the basis of a CV and of a research project, to be sent with the application.
The school is open up to 15 PhD candidates and Post Doctoral researchers. No fees are foreseen. Lunches, coffee breaks, and the social programme are offered to all participants. Furthermore, 5 grants are available for covering the accommodation costs. These grants will be assigned based on the candidates’ CVs. Furthermore, an award of 300 Euros will be assigned to the winner of the EURACE winter school policy competition.
The organizing committee has reserved a limited number of rooms at a special rate for the participants. Successful applicants are required to reserve their rooms before November 7th 2009. To that purpose, send an e-mail to and fax your credit card number to +39 010 353 2020.
Applications should be sent by email to Professor Silvano Cincotti and should include a detailed CV and research statement.
Application deadline is October, 30th 2009 – 05.00 PM CET. Successful applicants will be notified by November, 3rd 2009.
School of Engineering – Villa Cambiaso
University of Genoa
via Montallegro, 1
16145 Genoa – ITALY
Contact details
Professor Silvano Cincotti
Phone: +39 010 353 2080
Fax: +39 010 353 2020
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