The Earth Surface Processes Institute (ESPIn) is a six-day immersive training experience organized by CSDMS for 25 early career scientists, including graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, researchers, and faculty. ESPIn is designed to help participants advance their research in earth and planetary surface processes by teaching skills in numerical modeling, in modern, collaborative, scientific software development, and in the use of open source community cyberinfrastructure. A mix of experienced scientists, visiting faculty, and research software engineers provide instruction.
ESPIn is a combination of learning and doing.
ESPIn is a combination of learning and doing!
ESPIn uses the CSDMS Ivy course material, with topics including:
Project Jupyter
Introduction to the Shell
Text Editors and Development Environments
The Anaconda Distribution
Introduction to Version Control with Git and GitHub
Basics of Python Programming
Python Programming for ESP Scientists
The Permamodel Toolkit
The Basic Model Interface
The Python Modeling Toolkit
High-Performance Computing
Best Practices in Scientific Software Development
Participants will also be invited to attend the CSDMS 2023 Annual Meeting May 16 through 18, 2023 in the same location.