International Workshop on “Simulation of Complex Social Systems”
(SiCoSSys 2009)
A one day Workshop hosted by the Spanish Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (CAEPIA 2009,
Sevilla, Spain, 9th november 2009
Agent oriented modelling provides a conceptual framework for analysis
and simulation of complex social systems. This comes from the fact that
agent related concepts allow the representation of organizational and
behavioural aspects of individuals in a society and their interactions.
This has motivated in the last years the development of a wide range of
software languages/shells/libraries to simulate agent-based models. This
workshop intends to promote discussion on theories, methods, and tools
for agent-based modelling and simulation of complex social systems. This
discussion should drive to the identification of key research issues in
this novel domain.
The workshop will be organized around three main questions, for which
position papers are requested:
Complexity and Agent Based Simulation. Simulation of complex systems.
Simulation of ABM and GIS, Social Networks, Human-subject
experimentation. Contributions from Social Neuroscience and
Neuroeconomics. ABS for policy-makers.
Conceptual and Methodological issues concerning the social sciences
practitioners. Modelling facilities. Threats and opportunities for
computer scientists and social scientists cooperation. Rigour and
Replication in social simulation. Statistical and Software validation.
Scalability of agent based simulations. Limitations for Agent Based
Simulation. Is there a need for a grid-based agent-based simulation
Contributions (position papers) on these questions are welcome. They
should be of an extension of around 2 pages, in PDF format.
Authors are required to use Springer LNCS format for proceedings.
Submissions should be made through the EasyChair conference system which
will be available from 1st June from the workshop web site
After the workshop we plan to organize a special issue in an
international journal (to be determined) with contributions from the
participants on the results of the sessions.
For extra information, do not hesitate to contact workshop organizers by
email at
Adolfo Lpez-Paredes and Juan Pavn
SiCoSSys 2009 organizers.