The Modeling and the Humanities Workshop will be held in conjunction with the SpringSim 2013 conference, in San Diego, April 7-10, 2013.
A full announcement with paper submission and topic details can be found at:
Initial papers due January 10, 2013.
Chair: Charles Turnitsa, Columbus State University, Georgia
Co-Chair: Ted Carmichael, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
The humanities are a collection of academic disciplines that all deal with the study of the human condition. It traditionally includes such disciplines and pursuits as languages, philosophy, history, art, music, literature and so on. Increasingly, modeling and simulation as a research and/or analysis technique is being used within these disciplines, in very effective ways.
The 2013 Modeling and the Humanities workshop at the Spring Simulation Multi-Conference is actively seeking papers that have to do with (1) techniques that are appropriate to Modeling for disciplines traditionally thought of as part of the humanities, and (2) specific project and applications where Modeling (and simulation) are used within projects of research or analysis for the Humanities, (3) recommendations and observations as to how best Modeling can serve the Humanities, (4) introduction and tutorial presentations on software packages particularly suited for Modeling and the Humanities.
In addition to the paper topics listed above, we are also interested in proposals for panels and guest presentations.
Program Topics
* Modeling techniques appropriate for Humanities studies
* Modeling for History
* Modeling for Language Studies
* Modeling for Philosophy
* Modeling for Art Studies
* Modeling for Music Studies
* Modeling for Literary Studies
* Modeling for Ethics Studies
* Modeling for Societal Studies
* Modeling for Political Science
* Modeling for Urban Studies
* Software Appropriate to Humanities Modeling
* Artificial Digital Societies
* Historical Simulation
Modeling Techniques Papers may include (but not limited to):
* Agent Based Modeling
* Complex Adaptive Systems
* Discrete Event Simulation
* Cellular Automata
* Genetic Algorithms
* Network Modeling
* Continuous Simulation