Third International Workshop-School
Co-sponsored by SICC - Italian Society for Chaos and Complexity
May 28 – June 3, 2012
Scientific organization: Bernard Cazelles (ENS, Paris), Mario Chavez (Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris), Maurice Courbage (Université Paris 7- Denis Diderot) Scientific committee: V. Afraïmovich (Mexique), B. Cazelles (France), M.
Chavez (France), L. Chua (USA), M. Courbage (France), A. Goldbeter (Belgique), F. Guichard (Canada), H.
Korn (France), R. Lima (France), RR. Llinas (USA), M. C. Mackey (Canada), V.I. Nekorkin (Russie), M. Pascual (USA), M. Rabinovich (USA).
The main goal of this second International Workshop is to develop the mutual interaction between specialists from biology, nonlinear dynamics, physics and mathematics.
More and more works show that biological systems have non linear dynamics, so they may have also chaotic behavior and strange attractors. In neural systems new observations show
that chaos appears both on the level of one neuron and on the level of large networks. In population dynamics, chaos has been observed in experimental cultures and seems to be
important in the diffusion of transmitted diseases in social networks. It becomes obvious that there is a challenging demand for studying and modeling complex dynamics of
biological systems in order to describe various modes and activities. In particular, there is a need to understand the interplay between non linearity and stochasticity of
biological processes.
The workshop will gather specialists from several horizons lecturing and discussing on the achievements and perspectives both fundamental and applied, not excluding junior
scientists and PhD students.
List of topics:
- Neurodynamics
- Population dynamics and Epidemiology
- Genetic networks
- Biological rhythmes
Registration can be carried out through the web page:
Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts is April 15, 2012.
The registration fees are 550 Euros. They include the accommodation, lunches, coffee break, etc. Dinners
and Sunday meals are not included. An additional charge will be asked for an individual room or for accompanied people. Grants might be available to cover fees and, eventually,
part of travel expenses. Application for support should be accompanied by a short curriculum vitae, a summary of research activities or one recommendation letter by a confirmed
researcher. Final decision will be made at April 15, 2012.
Registration form, grant application and all other information should be sent by email to: chaosbionetwork -at-
For any additional information contact the coordinating person:
Bernard Cazelles
UMR 7625 UPMC – CNRS – ENS, 46 rue d’Ulm,
75230 Paris cedex 5, France.
email: cazelles -at-
SICC - Societa’ Italiana Caos e Complessita’