V2CS‘2011: First international workshop on Verification and Validation of multi-agent models for Complex Systems, Complex System Institute (ISC-PIF)Paris, November 2011 website: http://lifc.univ-fcomte.fr/v2cs2011/ Importante datesDeadline: September 15 2011Acceptance notification: October 10 2011Workshop date: November 17-18 2011Location: Complex System Institute, ParisStudia InformaticaUniversalis ScopeMany scientists, from different areas of interest, exploit multi-agent systems (MAS) to model and/or to simulate complex systems such as crowd dynamic, social network and so on. Creating an agent based models conducts to make hypothesis because of the lack of knowledge about the studied system. In addition, a modelling process needs to establish models with different goals, based on various meta-models and languages. Thus model transcription problems and inconsistency between models may happen during this process.Nevertheless, several researches present the model and simulators as idealistic tools needed for preventing disasters, for decision making, for understanding the functioning of complex systems or for imaging future evolutions of a complex system. But how confidence can we give to a model (and a simulator) ?Due to the used modelling process, its internal complexity, an agent based model are rather complex to validate and/or to verify. Given from empirical comparison between simulation results and real data, many researches argue the efficiency of their models. Could we say that these models are valid ?Several works investigate the domain of validation and verification of Agent Based model. They provide techniques to ensure the efficiency of model in general or specific case. There is two levels in this work :Complex system level. The complexity of the whole, the systemic aspect due to the interactions brings us toward a validation approach based on simulation.Local level. How we can use verification techniques on properties with the help of action languages or mathematical models.The aim of this conference is to share experiences in validation and verification of complex system agent based model in order to make an overview of the domain. Every work and experience about retrospective validation, complex system case studies, validation and verification techniques are invited in this conference. Topics of interestAreas of interest include, but are not limited to:Model checkingModel based testingSensibility analysisParameter explorationMultiagent frameworks for complex systemsMultiagent methodology for complex systemsFormal specification languagesSymbolic animationStatistical and mathematical approachesThematical applied modelsEmpirical validation approachesModel calibrationPopulation generationAgent Based ModelingCase study analysisPhysics based modelingModel validation methodologiesAll of these topics may be involved in (not limited list) urban modeling, social network, epidemiology, plant growing, soil modeling, morphogenesis, ecology, medecine, finance, economy, cell biology, neuroscience, disasters, and so on… Program committeeFrédéric Amblard, University of Toulouse, FranceAlassane Bah, ESP, SénégalArnaud Banos, CNRS, FranceSoufian Ben Amor, UVSQ, FrancePhilippe Cailloux, INRIA, FranceGuillaume Deffuant, Cemagref , FranceAlexis Drogoul, IRD, VietnamVolker Grimm, Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research, GermanySalima Hassas, University of Lyon, FranceHo Tuong Vinh, IFI, VietnamAmir Hussain, University of Stirling, United KingdomTri Nguyen-Huu, IRD, FranceJean Daniel Kant, UPMC, FranceSophie Leguedois, INRA, FrancePierre Henri Morand, UFC, FranceEdith Perrier, IRD-RNSC, FranceBenjamin Roche, IRD, FranceMoncef Temani, I.S.I, TunisieJean Daniel Zucker, IRD, Vietnam SubmissionPapers are refereed and accepted on the basis of their originality, scientific merit and relevance to the Workshop topics.Papers should be 12-15 pages in length in Studia Informatica Universalis format and submitted as a PDF file on easychair available here. Author are invited to follow workshop format available here.All selected paper will be plublished on the conference web-site. In addition, a selection of extended papers presented during the workshop will be included into a special number of Studia Informatica Universalis. OrganizersFabrice BouquetLIFC-UFC E-mail: fabrice.bouquet_AT_univ-fcomte.fr Christophe LangLIFC-UFC E-mail: christophe.lang_AT_univ-fcomte.frNicolas Marilleau UMMISCO– IRDE-mail: Nicolas.Marilleau_AT_ird.fr